Monday, October 27, 2014

Audio Slideshow Synopsis

For our project we have decided to interview one of our friends about the road that their major takes them on throughout their college career.

They are a business major at Lyndon, and they will be talking about specific classes that are required in the program. They will also be speaking about some helpful tips on being a business major.

He will be talking about his experience from the beginning of his freshman year to current time where he is a senior.

The more challenging classes will be addressed, as well as some of the more simple classes.

We will tell a story about the life of a business student from start to finish at Lyndon; and what it will take to become successful in the business world.

We will be using an audio recorder to record the interview. Photos will be shot with a DSLR camera and a cell phone.

With the photos we hope to show the progression a business student makes throughout their four years at Lyndon. Images will be of school related objects and places that business students utilize at LSC.

The audience that this will be aimed at is prospective business students that need some insight into what the actual major has to offer them. This interview will draw their attention because they are all interested in what business classes are like in college.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Teaching Moments- Animoto

Slideshow HW

Transworld Photo Slideshow:
Jay Adams Slideshow:
Sidewalk Skate Gallery:

Slideshows are usually used to enhance the reading experience a person will have with an article by adding pictures to look through.

The first slideshow from was my favorite. It not only had the pictures set up in a format of a video, but it also had sound going in the background while you watch it.

The next slideshow was about Jay Adams’ death. I feel that this one was lacking in overall emotion because there was no sound added. Also, the pictures do not seem to be ones that he would want to be remembered by. They seem thrown in there with no thought as to which photos they were using.
The final one is a gallery of skateboarding photos taken during a competition. This gallery seemed to be pretty well planned.

It had a nicer format that opened up to full screen when viewing the gallery. Having each picture with a little description was nice too so at least you could understand what they were doing.

Overall, I think that these slideshows in particular did not do the best job at telling a story. The only one that told somewhat of a story was the Skateboarding competition gallery because it showed progression throughout the gallery.

I do feel that sound makes a large difference for the effect the slideshow has. If he first slideshow was less random it would have been my favorite because of the music.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Unemployment Rates of Burlington Vs. Guilford For our data visualization, we chose to look at and compare the unemployment rates of Burlington, Vermont, and Guilford, Connectcuit. From the months of March through August 2014 the unemployment rate has gradually increased in the months of June and August. It started at 3.2 in the month of March 2014. It seemed like in the months of April and May, that the unemployment rate decreased a little those being the months of spring meaning there was a bigger percentage of people who were employed and were able to find spring and summer employment. The overall estimated unemployment rate for Burlington was 4.1 percent as of the month of July 2014. Comparing the unemployment rate in Guilford, CT we notice that the rate was significantly higher which is kind of strange since it’s a lot smaller than Burlington, VT. Must mean that there isn’t much opportunity around for employment and a lot more people have a difficult time trying to find employment in the town. During the recession we just came out of, the unemployment rate in Burlington was a lot lower than the national unemployment rate. Right now, there are employers struggling to fill positions Known as the “Job Seeker’s Market.” There are more jobs that are available; more then there are people who are actually qualified for the position. A lot of the jobs that in the Burlington area are in the service industry such as: hotels, restaurants, and convenient stores. The majority of the class is listed in the hospitality industry. The fall foliage is going to open up demand for the tourist industry jobs, and also ski resorts are going to start getting busier. It’s also the beginning of the holiday season. There is a fair amount of manufacturing jobs in Burlington as well. Burlington in particular is becoming a tech hub “spot.” There is a demand for highly skilled technical workers with advanced and specific computer skills, such as company’s like:, Burlington is also becoming a place where there are a lot of people who are creating their own businesses also known as entrepreneurs which is effecting the job market in such a way that people don’t need to work for anyone they can just work for themselves and be paid under their own payroll. The company is a taxi source company that has been designed using the Icloud new technology aspect. The company will need drivers, which will also affect the job market. As the years progress, the unemployment rate for Burlington will most likely decrease as more entrepreneurs create their own businesses, and will continue to increase in the town of Guilford, CT unless there is a change in the opportunity for employment and more jobs start becoming available.